On January 26th, the Department of Planning and Development unveiled a fully revised draft zoning code to the Planning Commission. Planning Division staff recently finished updating the draft after incorporating months of public comments and professional review. During last summer and fall, staff conducted outreach at nine ward workshops and hosted a zoning training series in conjunction with the Michigan State University Extension, as well as attended over 15 neighborhood meetings. As a result over 70 public comments are addressed in the new draft.
Public outreach will continue throughout the coming months, as the Planning Division intends to host more workshops in February and March. The full draft and comment forms can be found online at imagineflint.com and residents can also offer comment at regular Planning Commission and Master Plan Steering Committee meetings. Once eventually adopted, the zoning code will serve as the principal regulatory document of the land use map in the 2013 Imagine Flint Master Plan, and would be the City’s first complete zoning update since 1968.
The next Planning Commission meeting is Tuesday, February 9th, at 6 PM at City Hall. The next Master Plan Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday, February 16th, at 5:30 PM at the Flint Public Library.