“Connecting Residents to Resources through Partnership”
[FLINT, MICHIGAN, August 9, 2019]— Flint Mayor Dr. Karen W. Weaver and Chief Recovery Officer Jameca Patrick-Singleton announced Friday that the City of Flint will host its third Resource Recovery Day (fair) as a result of residents requesting more access to resources.
“We have so many different resources available to the residents and sometimes they are not sure where to go to obtain them or who to contact to find out what they are eligible for,” said Flint Mayor, Dr. Karen W. Weaver. “In addition to the registry, which was created to help alleviate those concerns, we wanted to make sure that we set aside a day where residents could come out and enjoy themselves while meeting some of the agencies/organizations in person. We are also excited that Korey Wise will be in Flint to share his story.”
The first two Recovery Resource Days were held at the Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village and Eagles Nest Academy in 2018 as a part of the resident driven recovery plan that Chief Recovery officer Jameca Patrick-Singleton has been working with residents to create and implement.
This Resource Recovery Day will take place on Saturday August 10, 2019 from noon until 5pm at the Clara Hilborn Park (old Pierson School Grounds) located at 5500 MLK Ave. Parking for the event is located at 100 E. Sherman Ave.
“Recovery is something that should be resident driven, as they are the ones who will know when they feel as if they have been made whole,” said Jameca Patrick-Singleton. “It is important that we get out into the community and help residents gain access to resources they need while moving from crisis to recovery. We asked what recovery looked like to them and they told us that having more services, more knowledge of present services and spaces to heal together is a start. Having Resource Recovery Days (fairs) does just that.”
In addition to having agencies onsite for residents to access, there will also be a bounce house, games, music, free hotdogs, Halo burger will be onsite to providing free food, and the Ice Mountain water hydration station will be onsite. This fair will highlight Resiliency. Special guest speaker will be Korey Wise from the Exonerated 5, whose story was brought to light in the Netflix mini-series “When They See Us”.
Partners for this event include; Hamilton CHN and the Illuminating Community Change (IC2) Safety Project, Sharp Manor/ North West, MLK, Pierson Association, North Flint Neighborhood Action Council, Dreams Inc. and Halo Burger.
Hamilton CHN and the Illuminating Community Change (IC2) Safety Project sees the Community Resource and Recovery Fair as a way to strengthen relationships among residents of north Flint and to highlight community resources available in the target area. The intersection of M.L. King Ave and Pierson Road was identified through resident-led community focus group discussions as one of three areas for the community based crime reduction work in north Flint.
The community Resource Recovery Day (fair) is the fourth community-based project supported by the North Flint Revitalization Initiative. HCHN received the federal grant in 2017 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, part of the U.S. Department of Justice. Sharp Manor, is the resident-led community engagement group representing the safety project.
D.R.E.A.M.S main focus is offering mentoring to youth throughout Genesee County. The objective is to show youth the importance of making the right choices in an informal environment. It is the thinking of D.R.E.A.M.S. that the youth of this area receive enough lecturing from teachers, parents and other adults. Because of this, a large portion of the time is spent engaging in youth athletic activities with the coaches and volunteers acting as mentors to the youths that participate in DREAMS’s programs. Partnerships have been forged with several other organizations in the Flint area.
For more information on the event contact: Jameca Patrick-Singleton at 810-237-2006, [email protected]
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cityofflint.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Korey-Wise-Updated-3.pdf” title=”Korey Wise Updated (3)”]
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cityofflint.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/RRF-FLYER-FORM-2-1-ASL-Info.pdf” title=”RRF FLYER FORM 2 (1)- ASL Info”]