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Mayor's Office

Mayor Weaver Extends Water Source Recommendation Review Process

(Flint, Mich)—  Flint Mayor Karen Weaver has agreed to provide Flint City Council with additional time to consider her recommendation for the City’s future primary and back up water sources. The Mayor initially hoped the council would approve the recommendation by May 23 so the City could begin taking advantage of the discounts that would be provided, including those to the City’s water/sewer customers, once Flint commits to being a long- term customer of the Great Lakes Water Authority. However, Weaver announced Tuesday that she will agree to the council’s request for more time in hopes of having a decision by June 12, 2017.

“We have gone to great lengths to provide City Council and Flint residents with information about the water source recommendation,” said Mayor Weaver. “We have posted several documents and other details on the city’s website for everyone to review. This is information that I considered when I determined that staying with Great Lakes Water Authority as our primary water source and avoiding another switch would be in the best interest of public health and the most fiscally responsible option. I hope this extension, along with all the information that has been provided, will allow both the council and the residents to better understand the reason for the recommendation.”

Flint City Council has a meeting scheduled on Monday, June 12, 2017. Mayor Weaver is hopeful by then the council will have had enough time to thoroughly consider the recommendation and have all the information they need to vote in support.