Flint, MI- The United States Conference of Mayors announced Monday that Flint Mayor Dr. Karen W. Weaver has been named among 10 Mayors added to their Advisory Board. Mayor Weaver has been a member of the USCM since 2016.
“The United States Conference of Mayors has truly had Flints back during our crisis. Mayors from around the country and right here in Michigan stepped up and helped us when we did not have the capacity nor control to run the city. My colleagues, across the country, and I have a great respect for one another and we are all committed to making sure that the residents are given the best opportunities to lead full, impactful lives. It is an honor for me to step into the role as a member of the Advisory Board, one that I do not take lightly and will fulfill to the best of my ability,” said Mayor Weaver.
The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are 1,408 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. The Conference holds its Winter Meeting each January in Washington, D.C. and an Annual Meeting each June in a different U.S. city. Additional meetings and events are held as directed by the Conference leadership.
Conference members speak with a united voice on organizational policies and goals. Mayors contribute to the development of national urban policy by serving on one or more of the conference’s standing committees. Conference policies and programs are developed and guided by an Executive Committee and Advisory Board, as well as the standing committees and task forces which are formed to meet changing needs.
During the Conference’s Annual Meeting in June, standing committees recommend policy positions they believe should be adopted by the organization. At this time, every member attending the annual meeting is given the opportunity to discuss and then vote on each policy resolution. Each city, represented by its mayor, casts one vote.
The policy positions adopted at the annual meeting collectively represent the views of the nation’s mayors and are distributed to the President of the United States and Congress.
In addition to the ongoing work of the Conference’s standing committees, mayors are organized into task forces to examine and act on issues that demand special attention such as civic innovation, exports, hunger and homelessness, and brownfields.
“We are pleased to have Mayor Weaver join the organization’s Advisory Board. We are confident that her depth of experience will be a valuable asset in leading the policy and programs of the organization,” said Tom Cochran, CEO and Executive Director of the United States Conference of Mayors.