August 11, 2016 (Flint, Mich) — Mayor Karen Weaver issued the following statement after being informed of Virginia Tech Professor Marc Edwards’ findings in his latest study on the water quality in Flint:
“I want to thank Dr. Marc Edwards and his team at Virginia Tech for the research and information they continue to provide on the quality of the water in Flint. In reviewing their latest findings announced today, it’s encouraging to see that the water in the city appears to be getting better. While science seems to show things are improving, Edwards stressed that the current water quality in Flint still isn’t good enough and it’s not safe to drink. It’s important for residents to keep using the filters and bottled water being provided at water resource sites located around the city.
It remains unclear when it will be safe for the people of Flint to turn on their faucets and drink water straight from the tap. Marc Edwards said today that he would like to see not only the lead pipes in Flint replaced, but the fixtures as well. Replacing the city’s damaged and antiquated infrastructure is essential and we need the funds to do it. We know the residents of Flint want nothing less than new pipes and our work to make that happen is underway.
Yesterday, the Receivership Transition Advisory Board (RTAB) approved contracts for three companies to begin replacing more lead-tainted pipes at homes in Flint. We hope to have crews out on the job in the next couple of weeks.”
-Mayor Karen Weaver
Marc Edwards Flint Water Study Results 8.11.16