Mayor's Office

Health Coverage Assistance Available to Flint Residents Impacted by Water Crisis

  Flint, MI — The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is offering an assistance program for people who have been impacted by Flint Water. You may be eligible for health care coverage through the State of Michigan if you:

Consumed water from the Flint water system and lived, worked, or received childcare or education at an address that was served by the Flint water system at any time from April 2014 and a date to be determined in the future, and you and/or your child are:

  • A pregnant woman,
  • Under age 21, or
  • A child born to a woman who was served by the Flint water system during the specified time period

If you DO NOT have Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan, or MIChild and your income is 400% less of the federal poverty level ($47,520 for one person or $97,200 for a family of four), you can apply for coverage now by online application at or by calling the Michigan Health Care Helpline at 1-855-789-5610 (TTY 1-866-501-5656 for persons with hearing and speech disabilities).

If you DO have Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan, or MIChild, a letter may be sent to you about the additional services you can get. If you do not get a letter from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and think you should have, call the Beneficiary Help Line at 1-800-642-3195 (TTY 1-866-501-5656 for persons with hearing and speech disabilities).

To apply and learn more visit or call 1-855-789-5610 (TTY 1-866-501-5656). You can also receive more information at the Greater Flint Health Coalition ([email protected] 810-232-2228).