For the second year in a row the Flint Police Department will be teaming up with the Salvation Army of Flint and Genesee County to help raise donations for the Red Kettle Drive at the Flint Farmers Market. Flint Police Officers will be ringing bells at the entrance of the Market on Thursday, December 10, 2015 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. They will accept cash donations for the Salvation Army via Red Kettle, but will also accept new toy donations for children by filling an onsite FPD police cruiser.
“You can stuff the red kettle with money or stuff the cruiser with toys,” said Flint Police Chief James W. Tolbert, “however you want to give this holiday season, we welcome you to stop by and visit us while we’re out there.” The Red Kettle drive campaign is a seasonal effort by the Salvation Army to help less fortunate families during the holiday and winter season. All donations will directly benefit Flint area families.