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Mayor's Office

Flint Formalizes New 12-Member Water Advisory Council

FLINT, MI, — Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley is pleased to announce the official formation of the Water System Advisory Council. The advisory council has been formed following appointments by the Mayor and approval by City Council, and in adherence to the State of Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act. The 12-member appointed body includes residents, community leaders, municipal water and other technical experts. The Water System Advisory Council will serve as the public’s “eyes and ears” for the City’s water supply including ongoing water infrastructure projects.

To date, the Water System Advisory Council has hosted three meetings including one to elect officers Sheryl Thompson, chairperson; Dr. Benjamin Pauli, vice chair; and E. Yvonne Lewis who will serve as secretary. Two additional meetings were held to review details of the City’s water infrastructure projects and begin the process of creating bylaws. Additional advisory council appointees include:

Wendy Braun

James Gaskin

Jaron Houston

Dr. Nancy Love

Dr. Shawn McElmurry

Dr. Lawrence Reynolds

Nayyirah Shariff

Gina Smith

Dr. Laura Sullivan

“Oversight from the Water System Advisory Council will strengthen efforts to further ensure Flint’s water is safe,” said Mayor Sheldon Neeley. “I am particularly proud of those who have volunteered their time and talents for this council, which speaks to their commitment to this city and its future. I look forward to the body’s leadership and partnership on behalf of Flint residents and businesses.”

As part of oversight provided by Water System Advisory Council members, they will also be instrumental in the flow of information to and from residents and to the City’s administration on issues toward maintaining a safe water supply. Although the body will have no formal decision-making power, they will be empowered to share concerns from the community and help ensure those concerns are addressed. Efforts by the new Water System Advisory Council will also serve to complement work by the existing Technical Advisory Council toward addressing public health and quality of life issues. 

“My goal is to ensure that the Water System Advisory Council is not just another group that has been established,” said Thompson. “We will not hesitate to ask critical questions about remediation efforts and actions regarding Flint’s water supply while also demanding more transparency, raising the public’s awareness and making sure residents’ voices are heard and that concerns are addressed”.

All meetings conducted by the Water System Advisory Council are open to the public and held bi-monthly on the third Tuesday of the month. A special virtual meeting has also been scheduled at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, where the public is invited to attend.

For questions or for more information about the new Water System Advisory Council, contact Lottie Ferguson at the Mayor’s Office at (810) 766-7346 or visit Public Notices – City of Flint.

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