Fees and Payment Options
Fees for Zoning reviews, Building Permits, and Licensing may be paid in-person, online, or by mail. Staff can accept exact cash, checks, or credit card payments. Applications may be submitted by mail or email to the relevant reviewing department to calculate and confirm the total fees. Applications are not considered complete until all required materials are received, including review fees.
Zoning and Licensing fees are determined by the Fee Schedule below. Building Permit fees are based on the cost of proposed work and are calculated by staff after submitting the permit.
For submitted applications, payment can be made at the Information Desk for Building Safety & Inspections permits, or in the Customer Service Center for Zoning permits and Licensing fees.
After an application has completed intake and an invoice is created, payment can be made on BS&A Online by creating an account and linking it to your property in question.
Fees may be accepted by mail or the drop box outside of City Hall. Checks are preferred when mailing in fees. Please be sure to include your personal contact information and the application in question to ensure quick processing of payment. The letter should be addressed to the City of Flint including the relevant department.