August 8, 2016 (Flint, Mich) — Flint is rebuilding itself. The people and places of Flint, Michigan were damaged by the water crisis that began in 2014. The City of Flint understands that rebuilding its compromised infrastructure is fundamental to the city’s recovery. Flint’s interconnected and complicated water delivery system must be rebuilt, not by attempting to piece together what was built for the past, but by assembling a new system for the future. This new system must deliver clean drinking water to each and every property within the city. As Flint unearths not only its water lines but also the roads, curbs, sidewalks, and greenways that cover them, it only makes sense to rebuild proactively, efficiently, and sustainably. We can rebuild Flint the right way, block-by-block, by rebuilding water and sewer lines, replacing exterior and interior infrastructure connected to occupied buildings, demolishing abandoned buildings, supporting access to quality housing, burying electrical and telecommunication cables, building new roads, and constructing green Right of Ways that support the city’s ecosystem. Without a doubt, Flint’s large-scale infrastructure needs require vast rebuilding resources. The livelihood of Flint’s residents, its businesses, and its community depends on a complete and timely infrastructure response.
Flint is well-positioned to rebuild its infrastructure by following the community vision, guiding principles, land use plan, and implementation strategies of the Imagine Flint Master Plan. In the fall of 2013, the Flint City Council and the Flint Planning Commission unanimously adopted the City’s first official master plan in over 50 years. The Imagine Flint Master Plan for a Sustainable Flint provides a 20-year community vision for the city. This vision was developed through a participatory-planning process that engaged more than 5,000 community members during almost 300 events over the course of three years. This process was funded by a $1.57 million grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than $1.3 million in matching funds from dozens of Flint partners. Through this process, the Flint community imagined Flint’s future. This future is guided by principles of social equity and sustainability, adapting to change, reshaping the economy, quality of life, youth, and civic life. A blueprint for this future is depicted in the Imagine Flint land use plan that organizes Flint into twelve distinct place types. These place types envision a productive use for every property in the city and are characterized by appearance, use, and density.
We need to Rebuild Flint the Right Way (Click links below for details on the City’s plan)
Rebuild Flint the Right Way Funding FAQs