Mayor's Office

Department of Public Works Publishes and Distributes October Water Quality Report

The City of Flint Department of Public Works has published its Quarterly Water Quality Report for October, 2015. The Quarterly Water Quality Report provides important information about Flint’s drinking water, including information about the water source, current drinking water issues, lead information, water filters, testing, 3rd quarter news, and temporary expectations when changing water sources. The report is being mailed to all City of Flint water customers and contains the following highlighted events by month:


  • Completed the evaluation of over 8000 valves in the system and identified over 2300 that are currently inoperable. The repair of these valves will be budgeted and worked into our multi-year Capital Improvement Plan.


  • Successfully completed the installation of Granulated Activated Carbon at the water treatment plant which reduced the TTHM level in the water and helped bring the City back into compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.


  • Leak Detection on all 600 miles of the distribution system has started and is over halfway complete. Several dozen leaks have been identified and repairs continue as more leaks are found. This has decreased the amount of water loss existing in the system.
  • Construction of a load out facility at our wastewater plant is on target for completion by November and will allow the City to eliminate the use of the incinerator resulting in significant annual savings.
  • Over 3500 new water meters have been installed this year creating better accuracy, accountability, and decreasing the number of estimated reads on utility bills.

The report is the last to be issued showing the Flint River as a primary drinking water source and contains information on what temporary issues residents can expect during the change in water source, including hydrant flushing and possible discoloration as the water goes through the system. The report also references the submittal of a plan to the MDEQ for the addition of corrosion control agents to treated water delivered from Detroit.

Recent issues with lead leaching into drinking water as the reason for the switch in water source are mentioned in the report along with information regarding lead safety, free in-home water testing and free filters available to residents. A table containing all of the third quarter “Regulated Detected Contaminants”, a feature of every water quality report, appears at the end of the publication.

Residents with questions or concerns about water quality can call the Water Treatment Plant at 810-787-6537 or email [email protected]. Continuing information on water will be provided via this website.

Quarterly Water Quality Report_Oct 15