City of Flint Department of Public Works Utilities personnel are working to contain a break in a 24 inch water main in the area near James P. Cole Blvd. and Hamilton Ave. This work may cause water discoloration for customers in eastern areas of the City. Running the faucet for a few moments should clear up any discoloration. Due to the size and location of the main, repairs could take longer than usual. City crews are assessing the extent of the break to make a final determination on needed repairs.
There have been a number of significant water main breaks within the past month which have strained the City DPW as it continues to implement work associated with the Capital Improvement Plan. Flint’s DPW will continue to address problems such as this as they arise while continuing with implementation of its capital improvement goals as best it can. The City will continue to update the community with information relative to major projects and issues as it becomes available. Anyone with questions or concerns about water can call 810-766-7202.