FLINT, Michigan—The City of Flint this week will resume the service line replacement project, which remains on target for completion by the end of this year.
The service line replacement project is working to replace all lead and galvanized pipes carrying water to residential homes in the City of Flint. The project is about 85 percent complete, but progress was halted two months ago as a precautionary measure and as part of the governor’s executive orders to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The service line replacement project was supposed to be completed in 2019, but fell behind schedule under the previous administration. Mayor Neeley said he is eager to get the job done.
“The residents of Flint deserve to have this project completed quickly and safely,” Mayor Neeley said. “We will get the job done and help to ensure residential service lines are safe now and for generations to come.”
Mayor Neeley urged residents to cooperate with work crews doing the service line replacement project — answering the door, consenting to the work, and being home at the time of scheduled service.
The process is simple, but a resident 18 years or older must be home to consent to the service:
• Crews dig a hole to check the home’s pipes.
• If the pipes are copper, they are safe and do not need to be replaced. The hole is filled and crews stop asking for permission to check your service lines.
• If the pipes are lead or galvanized steel, the pipes will be immediately replaced in most circumstances. Crews will briefly need to enter the home to ensure the service line is connected properly. Workers will wear face masks and other protective equipment as well as follow additional safety precautions.
• Crews return to the residence to make additional yard and grounds repairs as needed. A resident does not need to be home for restoration work to occur.
Workers will remain a minimum of 6 foot from all residents. They also will wear gloves, face masks and face shields when going door-to-door. They also will ask residents how they are feeling and if it would be an appropriate time to do service line replacement work. All work areas inside the home will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
Mayor Neeley urged all residents to participate in the service line replacement project.
Work crews will attempt to contact residents to schedule work at least three times — this is done by letter as well as visits to the household, at least one of which is done after 5 p.m. or on the weekend — but often check with residents far more than the three times required.