Dr. Carrie Walling, First Lady of the City of Flint and Associate Professor at Albion College, will join the rally for Amir Hekmati on Saturday, August 29th at Dunlop’s Downtown, 521 Washington Ave., Bay City, to represent Mayor Walling’s and the Flint area community’s concerns about Amir Hekmati’s continued illegal detention.
Saturday, August 29th will mark the 4 year anniversary of the illegal detention of American citizen Michigan resident, and Flint Central High School graduate Amir Hekmati by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Amir Hekmati was arbitrarily arrested by the Iranian government in 2011 during a vacation to visit extended family. He has been illegally detained in Iran’s Evin Prison as a political prisoner ever since.
Dr. Walling stated: “Amir Hekmati’s continued incarceration is contrary to international law and is a clear violation of his fundamental human rights. International human rights law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and protects Amir’s right to a fair and public trial with all the guarantees necessary for his defense. Instead, Amir was tried in secret closed-door proceedings, was denied access to a lawyer or diplomatic assistance, and was not permitted to defend himself against the charges leveled against him. Further, Amir is being held in deplorable conditions that do not recognize his human dignity. These acts are all violations of international treaties that Iran itself has voluntarily agreed to. As a member of the United Nations, Iran has an obligation to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which protects Amir’s right to a fair trial. Iran also ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1975. This treaty obligates Iran to protect fair trial rights and prohibits arbitrary and degrading punishment.”
Dr. Walling added: “We must always work together to advance human rights and opportunity for all, and on Saturday I will join my voice with those of Amir’s family, friends and supporters to call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to release Amir as a humanitarian gesture, and in accordance with its international legal obligations. Amir is a beloved son, brother and uncle. He deserves to be returned to the love and safety of his family here in Michigan. Amir will not be forgotten and those that love and support him will never stop fighting for his release.”
Dr. Carrie Walling is an Associate Professor at Albion College. As a member of the Department of Political Science, Dr. Walling focuses on human rights and international security. She is the author of All Necessary Measures: The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention published by the University of Pennsylvania Press and numerous academic and policy articles. She also serves as the editor for the human trafficking blog, Voices of Change for the Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force. Dr. Walling’s full bio is available on the Albion College website: https://www.albion.edu/academics/departments/political-science/faculty-and-staff/faculty-profiles/11396-carrie-booth-walling-assistant-professor.