FLINT, Michigan — The City of Flint remains under a snow and ice emergency until 9:00 PM on Thursday, February 3, 2022. City of Flint crews continue to be hard at work to clear roads today.
Crews have been out since 4:30 Wednesday morning, putting down a salt-sand mix and moving snow off the roads. The crews work in on/off shifts with major roads cleared first due to high volumes of traffic. The completion of clearing residential streets will be tomorrow morning.
As always, the City of Flint follows its Snow and Ice Control Plan to provide efficient and effective service to the residents of the City of Flint.
The National Weather Service is reporting additional snow accumulations of 8 to 10 inches of snow on the City of Flint.
City offices will be closed on Thursday, February 3, 2022.
Priority Waste will be conducting scheduled waste collection on Thursday, February 3; however, there may be some delay due to recent snowfall.
Residents are reminded that during the snow emergency parking on city streets is prohibited to allow crews access to properly serve city streets.
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