Mayor's Office

Public Works

Saginaw St. restoration project moving forward on schedule

Crews will re-lay bricks between Court and Third Streets over the next six weeks and continue construction between Second and First Streets concurrently. Utility upgrades and brick restoration between Second and First Streets are expected to be complete by the end of November 2023 as planned.

Sanitary Sewer Discharge

CITY OF FLINT UTILITIES / WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION August 24, 4:00 a.m. through August 25, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. Sanitary Sewer Discharge The Flint

Water tower sends message of Flint community’s strength

The interior of the elevated tank has been cleaned and repainted, tank hatches have been upgraded, and nine steel roof support beams have been replaced. A 12-inch drain and an 8-inch overflow pipe have been completely renovated and a new catch basin has been added. New mixers are ready to be installed in the roof after the elevated tower is back in service.

Wastewater Plant Discharge

CITY OF FLINT UTILITIES / WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION July 13, 2023, 6 a.m. Wastewater Plant Discharge On July 13, 2023 at 6 a.m., the

Flint Water Tower offline for planned upgrades and maintenance

Maintenance inside the water tower will include cleaning and painting the elevated tank’s interior, installing a new mixer to improve water quality, and making upgrades to the tank hatches, overflow, and drain. The 6-8-week time period allows for draining, cleaning, repairing the tank, application of paint, curing of paint, refilling and testing the tank, and bacteriological testing.

Sanitary Sewer Discharge

CITY OF FLINT UTILITIES / WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION May 9, 2023, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Sanitary Sewage Discharge Starting on May 9 at