City of Flint Blue Ribbon Task Force issues recommendations for safe reopening
FLINT, Michigan—The 34-member Blue Ribbon Task force has issued recommendations for the safe opening of facilities within the City of Flint. The report includes overall action steps for all entities as well as specific recommendations for community centers, worship centers, personal care businesses, educational facilities, and the downtown area.
The full report can be accessed and downloaded here:
Blue Ribbon Task Force recommendation report
Members of the task force met as a whole via Zoom for six weeks and members also met in subcommittees based on their areas of expertise to formulate the recommendations. The task force included a diverse group of individuals including doctors, business owners, religious leaders, leaders in a variety of professions, and community activists.
The overall recommendations include:
•DEEP CLEAN and FLUSH WATER/PIPES prior to re-opening.
•ADOPT CLEANING PROTOCOLS to ensure proper ongoing sanitation and disinfection, including clearly identifying how often all surfaces will be cleaned (weekly, daily, hourly, between every guest, etc.)
•TEST EMPLOYEES before they return to work and require daily health screenings.
•ASK GUESTS to conduct a health screening before entering the establishment.
•MANDATE SOCIAL DISTANCING to the greatest extent possible and modify workspaces to install barriers as needed.
•REQUIRE EMPLOYEES AND ALL GUESTS to wear masks unless they are medically unable to do so. Develop protocols for use of other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
•ELIMINATE SHARED ITEMS such as pens, menus, magazines, etc. to the greatest extent possible.
•DEVELOP A RESPONSE PLAN for employees and business operations if there is an on-site exposure. Be as generous as possible with paid sick leave for employees.
Also included in the report is an example health assessment form as well as links to resources on how to properly flush water and pipes after a prolonged closure, how to properly remove personal protective equipment and how to find local testing sites.
“I am deeply thankful to this critical mass of community leaders who came together to help develop this guidance for our community,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley said. “As places continue to reactivate, it is important for them to stop and check these recommendations to ensure they are doing everything possible to keep their employees and guests safe.”