Fire Prevention Week Activities
Purpose: Fire Prevention Week is celebrated during the week which contains October 9th, in memory of the great Chicago Fire. The purpose of Fire Prevention Week is to remind the community of the need to take various measures and precautions to prevent fires from occurring and especially to prevent injuries and deaths associated with fire.
During Fire Prevention Week the Fire Department will hosts events for the public. At these events firefighters will speak with community members about fire safety, conduct tours of the fire stations, host the First Annual Firefighter for a Day Program for High School Students, and distribute fire prevention and departmental pamphlets.
Goal: To educate/reach a minimum of 1000 participants in various safety precautions to prevent fires or respond in the event of a fire and introduce individuals to a career in the fire service.
Fire Fighter for a Day
Thursday October 8, 2015
Fire Station #8
Fire Fighter for a Day will give a hands-on experience for high school students into the world of firefighting. Student from the Flint Community will have an opportunity to participate in hands-on activity stations that is designed to give you a real feel for whether this career is the right one for you. This one (1) day camp will be led by real firefighters from the Flint Fire Department.
(Approximately 10 to 12 Students)
Grades: 11th & 12th (Juniors & Seniors)
Fire Station No. 8
STO Lt. Perkins
AO I Operator:
QM Phillips (Spare Engine & Bread Truck or Squad I)
8:00 – 9:00 Check In and Opening Ceremonies
9:00 – 10:00 Housework
10:00 -12:00 Firefighter Station Activities / Tentative
12:00 -12:40 Lunch/Clean-up (lunch will be prepared by Firefighter for a Day participants)
12:40 – 3:45 Firefighter Station Tours / Tentative
3:45 – 4:00 Closing
Tentative Stations:
Flint Fire Department’s Open House
October 10, 2015
1100 – 1400 hrs.
Participating Station:
Fire Station #1, #3, #5, & #6
Fire Fighter Responsibilities:
Station Tours, Pass out Literature, Interact with Community Members, Prepare and Serve food
Items Needed:
Hotdogs,Chips, Buns, Ketchup/mustard/relish, Napkins, Waters, Cookies
Knock & Speak Literature, Fire Department Brochure, Smoke Alarm, application/survey form & (Smoke Alarms)