Mayor's Office

My Brother’s Keeper Task Force Nominations Needed

Updated June 8, 2015: Nomination Deadline Extended through June 26, 2015

The City of Flint has accepted President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) challenge to improve opportunity for boys and young men of color. On May 4, 2015, the City released its MBK Report and Action Plan, and the Mayor announced the formation of a My Brother’s Keeper Task Force to continue to guide the initiative.

The MBK Flint Task Force will consist of 12 members chosen by Mayor Walling. A majority of the Task Force members will be residents of Flint and the Task Force will also include young adults (age 16-24). The responsibilities of the Task Force will include:

  • Convening partners to track progress on the goals and action items in the MBK Report and Action Plan
  • Identifying policy changes that could be implemented to eliminate or overcome barriers that limit opportunity for boys and young men of color
  • Issuing a report to the community by January 31, 2016 with further recommendations for action

Individuals may nominate themselves or others. Nominations for the MBK Task Force will be accepted through June 26, 2015. Please complete the form below and submit to the Office of the Mayor, 1101 S. Saginaw St., Flint, MI 48501. A resume may also be included. If you have questions, contact Paul Joice at (810) 766-7135 extension 3005.

MBK Task Force Nomination Form update