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Mayor's Office

Early financial estimates indicate Neeley administration saved approximately $2 million in taxpayer dollars

FLINT, Michigan—Early financial estimates indicate that the administration of Mayor Sheldon Neeley saved approximately $2 million in taxpayer dollars in the recently completed fiscal year.

The budget for FY20, which ended on June 30, 2020, called for spending $58 million General Fund dollars. While final budget financials are not yet completed, the city estimates spending came in approximately $2 million under budget, with General Fund expenditures estimated at about $56 million.

“We will continue to make fiscal responsibility a priority,” Mayor Neeley said. “We will continue to analyze operations and actively look for ways to do business better and more efficiently while also spending money where needed to serve residents to the best of our ability.”

The City Council passed budget amendments last month to increase spending in four budget lines, but those were four out of hundreds of line items in the budget. When looked at in its totality, city spending remained under budget.

The City is now operating under a new fiscal year. The budget includes a series of corrections designed to stabilize the city’s finances long-term, including paying into the City’s pension obligations, meeting Charter mandates, and stopping the transfer of water fund dollars into the General Fund.
