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Mayor's Office

City of Flint Now a Finalist for Multi-Million Dollar Grant to Improve Neighborhoods

FLINT, Mich. — The City of Flint and Flint Housing Commission have been informed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that Flint has been selected as a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grant finalist. The Flint Implementation team, comprised of the City of Flint, Flint Housing Commission, Norstar Development USA, Mott Community College and the Flint & Genesee Literacy Network, submitted an application to HUD in November 2017 and is now one of six finalists out of 20 applicants nationwide.

“We are very excited to see this opportunity becoming more of a reality for Flint,” said Suzanne Wilcox, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Flint. “Our team submitted a comprehensive, quality proposal, and I am pleased that HUD recognizes the thought, effort, and collaborative teamwork that went into the application.”

The application requests $30 million to implement the South Flint Community Plan. The South Flint Community Plan and implementation grant application outlines a vision to develop new, high quality mixed-income housing, with an ultimate goal to relocate residents of the distressed Atherton East Townhomes. The plan, developed over the past two and a half years, includes input from hundreds of Flint community members and residents of Atherton East. In addition to constructing over 300 new, mixed-income housing units, grant funding would afford the City and its partners the ability to drastically improve access to health, education and economic stability services for South Flint residents. Flint’s funding request is leveraged with an astounding $270 million worth of additional, committed investments from across the community.  

Eboni Nugin, Deputy Director of the Flint Housing Commission, said the FHC supports Flint’s application 100 percent.

“Residents and staff at Atherton East have been fully engaged and are most excited for the redevelopment,” said Nugin. “This is a highly anticipated project and the FHC will continue to collaborate with the City, Norstar, and community partners to secure the grant.”

HUD is expected to announce final winners in July 2018, after the conclusion of site visits across the country to each of the six cities. HUD anticipates awarding five Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants during this funding cycle.

“This is wonderful news for Flint,” said Mayor Karen Weaver. “We look forward to making sure our HUD site visit is a success and helps to secure our spot as a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grantee.”

Updates and stories on the transformative work underway in Flint are continuously posted on  Instagram and Twitter (@mychoiceisflint) using the hashtag #mychoiceisflint! Mayor Weaver encourages Flint businesses, churches, community centers, schools, and residents to post #mychoiceisflint signs in their windows, cars, and on social media pages as a strong show of support to make this opportunity a reality.

For more information about the South Flint Community Plan, please visit www.imagineflint.com, or contact Kristin Stevenson at (810) 766-7426 x 2065.
