WHO: Flint Mayor Karen Weaver, Director of Public Works, Rob Bincsik, &
AECOM Flint Team Members
WHAT: Special Community Forum on the next phase of FAST Start and the
Flint Water Quality Improvement Program
WHEN: Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 6:00 p.m.
(Doors Open at 5:30 p.m.)
WHERE: Mott Community College Event Center
1401 E. Court St. Flint, MI 48053
DETAILS: Mayor Karen Weaver, and her administration, are holding a Special Community Forum on Thursday, February 1st. The purpose is to meet with residents and community leaders to provide information about the plans underway to improve water quality in the City of Flint. Those who attend will hear firsthand from City officials and members of AECOM, the engineering and construction company contracted to manage several water quality improvement projects for Flint.
A top priority of the Flint Water Quality Improvement Program is to complete the replacement of all lead and galvanized water service lines leading to homes in Flint through Mayor Weaver’s FAST Start program. At the forum, officials will provide an update on FAST Start, including details on when work will resume this year, where crews will be replacing lead-tainted pipes and doing hydro-excavations, and when Request for Proposals (RFPs) will open for contractors to submit bids to work on the project.
RFPs for the next round of hydro-excavations (a more efficient process used to determine the composition of residents’ pipes), will be released by Tuesday, January 30, 2018, and posted on the City of Flint website. Interested contractors should visit https://www.cityofflint.com/finance/purchasing/bids-2/ for proposal guidelines. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held Wednesday, February 7th at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall in Council Chambers.
More details will be provided at the Special Community Forum on Thursday. Leaders are excited about the plans and progress underway in Flint, and eager to share information to help keep the public engaged and informed.