FLINT, Mich. – The City of Flint and Mayor Sheldon Neeley encourage residents and neighborhood
groups to join the effort to clean and beautify our community during the 12th annual Love Your City
Month this May.
Residents can take advantage of special waste collection days with unlimited pickup of specific
items, and get assistance with neighborhood cleanups. In addition, a tire buyback event will take
place May 18.
“Love Your City Month is a great opportunity to celebrate the beauty of our community and connect
with neighbors in a citywide cleanup effort as we prepare for the summer months,” Mayor Sheldon
Neeley said. “I want to thank our great partners, Keep Genesee County Beautiful and Priority Waste,
as well as all the Flint residents who volunteer their time and help make Flint a great place to live,
work, and raise a family. By being engaged as stewards of our community and public spaces, we can
all help ensure we have a safe and clean summer in Flint.”
The City of Flint’s partner Keep Genesee County Beautiful will provide free yard waste bags,
garbage bags, and cotton work gloves to individuals and groups organizing outdoor cleanup
activities in public areas like parks, schools, traffic medians, libraries, and right-of-ways. Groups
should request supplies at least 10 days in advance of their scheduled cleanup by calling Keep
Genesee County Beautiful at 810-767-9696 or emailing [email protected].
Flint-based organizations can also request dumpsters for neighborhood cleanups by calling the City
of Flint Blight Office at 810-237-2090. Dumpsters should be requested at least 2 weeks prior to an
event. Dumpsters will be provided to organizations only; not for personal use. The Blight Office will
supply one dumpster per neighborhood association.
General questions about Love Your City month events can be directed to the City of Flint Waste
Services Coordinator at 810-410-1134.
Priority Waste is partnering with the City of Flint to offer special pickups on normal collection days.
All items must be placed curbside by 7 a.m. on residents’ regular weekly collection days. For
questions about what can be placed at the curb week, please call Priority Waste at 855-927-8365.
Waste collection will be delayed by one day the week of May 27, Memorial Day.
May 6-10 Unlimited Large Item Pickup
No refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, cast iron tubs, tires, shingles, demolition debris,
plumbing, countertops, concrete, or eviction/moving clean outs.
May 13-17 Unlimited Bagged Trash Pickup
All trash must be bagged; each bag must weigh less than 50 lbs.
May 20-24 Unlimited Flattened and Bundled Cardboard
We will accept unlimited amounts of flattened, bundled, and tied cardboard as recycling pickup.
Bundles of cardboard must weigh less than 50 lbs. each. All cardboard must be flattened and tied to
prevent it from blowing around and limit potential contamination with Styrofoam or other
materials hidden inside.
May 28 – June 1 (No collection May 27, Memorial Day) – Unlimited Bundled Brush Pickup
All brush must be in bundles no larger than 4 feet long and branches must be less than 2 inches
thick. Each bundle of brush must weigh less than 50 pounds. No trees, tree trunks, stumps, or logs.
Brush should be bundled with rope or twine (no wire or belts). Regular compost collection will
continue as usual.