Mayor's Office

Public Workshop with Choice Neighborhoods Planning Team on Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 6:00pm

The Choice Neighborhoods planning team will be holding a community meeting and workshop this month. The planning consultant team will be in Flint from October 19-21 for their second site visit, and will facilitate the meeting. They will give a brief presentation and lead attendees in group activities. The meeting will be held at the Brennan Center, 1301 Pingree Ave., Flint on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

This community workshop is an opportunity for the residents to come and take part in identifying key assets of the community, help to design the project logo and share ideas for physical, social and economic improvement in South Flint.

This is the first of several community conversations aimed at beginning to build better and stronger local relationships, increasing job opportunities and improving services as they relate to the Choice Neighborhood. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this and following events and join the team as we welcome communal change.

The planning process is being carried out through a partnership between the Flint Housing Commission and the City of Flint. Over the next 15 months, there will be significant amount of discussion and idea sharing that requires the community’s involvement. The planning process, once completed, will result in a written Transformation Plan that will help steer the redevelopment and revitalization of Atherton East, the South Saginaw, Atherton Rd, and Dort Hwy corridors and surrounding neighborhoods. The boundaries of the Choice Neighborhood initiative are I-69, Grand Traverse St., Hemphill Road, and the City’s eastern edge.

Choice Neighborhood Boundaries Arial
Choice Neighborhood Initiative area boundaries from aerial photo. Click to enlarge.


The Transformation Plan will outline the potential for redevelopment, identify potential funding sources and detail the needs of the community, identified by the community.

For more information contact Kristin Stevenson, Choice Project Coordinator at (810) 766-7426 ext. 2065. Visit the Choice Project page at and ‘LIKE’ South Flint Community Plan on Facebook.